The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) in coordination with the Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council (AZSILC) is establishing a Rural Health Equity Collaborative with critical partners affiliated with and providing services to populations in rural Arizona that are underserved and at higher risk for COVID-19.
The goal of this collaborative is to develop a plan to address system navigation and coordination challenges of population who have disabilities and communities who serve people who have disabilities in the rural areas of Arizona related to COVID-19 and COVID-19 recovery.
If you are a person who has a disability who lives outside of Maricopa and Pima Counties and you are interested in being a part of this collaborative, please feel free to attend our next meeting on Tuesday, April 26th at 10:00am.
Topic: Rural Health Equity Collaborative Meeting
Time: Apr 26, 2022 10:00 AM Arizona
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